Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So this is it...the big day! EARTH DAY! Seems like a good time to think about some of the top things I've learned through EcoParents so far, eh?

  1. Those pesky #5 plastics like yogurt containers (and other so-called tub plastics) can be dropped off for recycling at Whole Foods and Linden Hills Co-op as part of Preserve's "Gimme 5" program!
  2. Organics curbside collection by the City of Minneapolis totally rocks! Call the city to encourage them to expand the program beyond Linden Hills. If you live outside of Minneapolis, call your city solid waste department or your hauler!
  3. Paying attention to packaging can save a lot of excess waste (and money).
  4. Avoid using ANY plastic in the microwave, just to be safe.
  5. Making your own non-toxic cleaners for everyday use saves money and provides peace of mind about my kids handling just cleaned surfaces. I've found that the all-purpose cleaner and window cleaner work great!
  6. Plastic film of all types can be recycled into decking material through the "It's in the Bag" program. Collection sites are at most metro grocery stores.
What have YOU learned?

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