Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Greening Your National Night Out

Here are some of the ideas discussed at last night's EcoParents meeting. Click here for a PDF file with these ideas, if you want to email it to your block captain. Also, there are leftover compostable utensils. If you are interested in sets for your block party FOR FREE, email me ( and I'll put some on my front porch for you to pick up before National Night Out! (but you have to contact me first!)

  1. Encourage attendees to bring their own reusable plates and flatware, and cloth napkins. OR, provide compostable plates & flatware for attendees (available at Linden Hills Co-op, Twin Cities Green, Whole Foods, and Litin Paper). Avoid disposable plastic plates, plastic cups, and plastic utensils!
  2. Provide well-marked containers for recyclable materials (e.g., cans, bottles). Consider providing separate containers for the different types of recyclable materials (i.e., glass, plastic, metal). Place all disposal containers in one common location. Consider posting a knowledgeable person by the ‘disposal station’ to help direct people as to what goes where, to prevent contamination.
  3. Provide a well-marked container for collection of compostable materials (e.g., food scraps, non-recyclable paper, pizza boxes, etc…). If you live in Linden Hills, or somewhere else where organics are collected curbside, simply provide a container lined with a compostable bag for compostable materials and have a volunteer take the organics home to their compost cart. If you live in a Minneapolis neighborhood where organic materials are not collected curbside, you may rent a compost cart from the city of Minneapolis for $20 for an event. Or, collect only non-animal product food scraps which are appropriate for a backyard compost bin.
  4. Avoid juice boxes and plastic cups! Instead, bring compostable cups (e.g., paper or wax-covered, not plastic) and a pitcher/cooler of juice and/or water. Or, even better, encourage attendees to bring their own water bottles or reusable cups. If possible, avoid bottled water.
  5. Encourage attendees to bring items in reusable or recyclable containers, including recyclable cans and bottles, and reusable serving pieces. Avoid plastic wrap. Use containers with their own lids instead.
  6. Encourage attendees to consider packaging when purchasing and preparing for their block party contribution.
  7. Encourage attendees to focus on local, seasonal, minimally processed foods, due to the overall environmental impact of processing and transportation of foods.
  8. Avoid individual serving-sizes and single use items.
  9. Avoid plastic tablecloths. Instead, use cloth tablecloths or avoid tablecloths altogether!
  10. If you have games and/or prizes at your block party, avoid ‘cheap’ prizes that are likely to end up as trash. Pay attention to the packaging of prizes. Avoid plastic wrapped candy and toys, and make sure that all toys are free of phtalates and BPA. (,,

If your block party implements these or other 'green' ideas, email me so that we can post your experiences and successes on the blog!!

1 comment:

Keiko said...

I think it's probably too late to request a compost cart from the city of Minneapolis for this year (it's worth a try), but keep it in mind for any type of event...and next year!