Shop among 70+ local, eco-friendly artists and businesses, pick up the new 2010 edition of Do It Green! Magazine, catch the low carbon cook-off, an eco fashion show, children's activities, and learn how to entertain green this holiday season. This is a free family fun event. Estimated attendance is 6,000+.
Activities at the Green Gifts Fair include...
* 70 + local green retailers
* Launch of the 2010 Do It Green! Magazine (which includes an article on EcoParents!!!)
* Taste test at the Low Carbon Cook Off with local chefs
* Sew your own reusable cloth gift bag
* Kids can make a recycled origami decorative ornament
* International Food Market vendors
* Eco Fashion Show
* Local holiday foods cooking tips, demos and recipes
* Keeping a non-toxic and clean house during the holidays
* Low Waste Oasis on hosting green holiday gatherings
* Eco holiday tree displays
Click here for more information and to view all vendor & educational booths.
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