Saturday, August 27, 2011

be a no waste leader!

According to this article in yesterday's New York Times, no-waste school lunches are very popular among schools administrators, as they reduce waste & therefore, reduce costs to haul away the waste. Some schools even have adopted official school policies about no or low waste lunches. Kids are totally on board as well - in part due to peer pressure and in part due to the eco-friendly messaging. Retailers love the idea because it means higher back-to-school spending.

Who's been the hardest sell for the no-waste lunches? Parents. They don't want the extra hassle nor the extra expense. Huh? But, as pointed out in the NYT article, "parent-to-parent evangelism" has been the most effective strategy for getting parents on board.

So - what does this mean for you? Since you're reading this blog, you're clearly sold on waste reduction already. You're on the cutting edge. You are a leader. This is your opportunity to serve as one of those 'parent-to-parent' influencer. So, show off your cool no-waste lunch gear...but not in an obnoxious or pious way, please. Just be so cool...and show how easy it your friends and fellow parents will see how easy it is as well!

We can be good role models for our kids, as well as our friends, help reduce our waste and environmental footprint, AND help save our schools money (in these all-too-tight budgetary times)...sounds like a win-win-win situation to me!

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