
For those who missed out, the book Practically Green: Your Guide to

Congrats also to fellow EcoParent Susan for having her gorgeous hand-felted artwork displayed at Galleri M!
What a confluence of great local women-centered talent!!
Did you know you can access the HealthyStuff database by SMS using your mobile phone??
Simply text the HealthyStuff keyword (cars, kids, clothes, pets, toys), followed by your search text (e.g., fisher price train) to 30644. Queries can contain product names, model years, manufacturers. You may also filter your results by overall level of detection and/or score (HIGH,MED,LOW). More info available here.
You can also access HealthyStuff's mobile sites from any web-enabled device such as iPhone, Blackberry, etc... Simply point your device to www.healthystuff.com!
An invitation for two really great local learning opportunities with WILL STEGER & BILL McKIBBEN!
Our Clean Energy Future
Will Steger Foundation's 4th Annual Summer Institute on Climate Change 2009
If your block party implements these or other 'green' ideas, email me so that we can post your experiences and successes on the blog!!